The Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) Cemetery was platted in 1896 in the north Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle, Washington. Surrounded by a grassy field, maple and oak trees, and hedge fencing – the cemetery is intimate and secluded. The cemetery is maintained by the Seattle Parks Department and the Friends of the Gar Cemetery Park (FGAR).
Efforts to preserve and revitalize the GAR began with a series of Small and Simple grants from the Department of Neighborhoods (DON). Since then, FGAR has collaborated with the Seattle Parks Department and extensive community input to outline a long term plan for future improvements. Successfully implemented improvements include the removal and replacement of non-native plants with low maintenance plantings, installation of a new irrigation system and the gravel drive through area. To read more about completed projects – See Phase II.
We are looking forward to future seasons of blooming daffodils and events as our community continues to fulfill its commitment to the GAR Cemetery.