January 9, 2003 7:00PM – 8:45 PM


Purpose of the Third Public Workshop:
Present Preferred Plan for park and cemetery improvements, based on input received at the Second Workshop, together with itemized costs for each proposed improvement. Prioritize improvements for inclusion in the next Dept. of Neighborhoods Small and Simple Grant application.

Description and Summary:
The Third Public Workshop was held at the Miller Community Center on a Thursday evening. Approximately 25 people were in attendance, including representatives of the Friends of the Grand Army of the Republic Cemetery Park; one members of the Sons of the Union Veterans; Maureen Colaizzi, representing the Seattle Dept. of Parks and Recreation, as well as the two park planning consultants. The active participants were all adults. Karen Kiest and Brooks Kolb presented the components of the Preferred Plan. Karen and Cynthia Wells presented the line item probable costs for each component. Maureen Colaizzi described the differences between Small and Simple Grants (up to $15,000 each; 4 application deadlines per year; community organizations can submit for multiple grants) and Large Project Grants (up to $100,000 each; 1 application deadline per year; organizations can receive one grant only). Brooks Kolb noted the participants’ comments on a large easel pad.

The following questions from the public were recorded (a summary of the answers is indicated in parentheses.):
· Will new trees be planted? (Yes, if prioritized for the Grant application)
· Will cars be kept from driving into the park? (Cars can’t entirely be prevented from driving in.)
· Will bollards be used on the west side of the entry drive in lieu of log barriers? (Yes, if prioritized for improvement.)
· Is beer drinking/fooling around a problem in the park? (Not really.)
· Is drainage at the north edge of the park still a problem? (Yes.)
· Where are the clear points of entry at the northwest and northeast corners? Consider more formal entries here than just turf because turf will get muddy, trampled.
· Can volunteers do clearing/grubbing at the entry circle? (Maybe, if it can be done without power tools.)
· Do design and management costs need to be added to the estimate of probable costs? (Yes.)
· What was the Parks Pro-Review discussion? What concerns did it reflect? (Parks would be glad to see removal of the north hedge but Parks has no money to re-plant/replace it.)
· How does the GAR Cemetery Park get to be a line-item in the Parks budget? (by neighbors becoming activists.)
· Would the City remove the north hedge? (No, not without funds from a grant.)
· Is it hard to submit for more than one Small and Simple Grant in one year? (Yes, because each project has to be completed and all paperwork turned in before you can apply for the next project.)
· How many representatives of the Sons of Union Veterans are present? (1 – Lee Corbin.)

The following public comments were recorded concerning project priorities:
· Entry is a priority.
· Turf restoration is a priority.
· Tree pruning per Arborist recommendations should be done first.
· Keep the cluster of Cherry trees: they are the symbol of the park.
· Cypress and Mountain Ash trees in the hedge should be removed.
· Do something simple and uncontroversial: improve the entry of the cemetery/improve visibility into the cemetery.
· Do turf restoration by roping of west side, relocating dogs to the east side; then alternate, switching dogs to the other side.
· Turf restoration!
· Re-plant the north hedge with Rhododendrons.
· Mixed shrubs at entry.
· Re-group items labeled A,B,C on the plan into first, second and third grant application packages.

Conclusion and Wrap-Up:
· Entry improvements are Priority #1 for the first grant application.
· This Priority #1 includes arborist work for improving the appearance of the trees at the entry .
· Turf renovation is also a high priority. It may not require a grant.
· The comments from this meeting will be published on the Friends website, www.fgar.org.
· Comments can also be made to Maureen Colaizzi at maureen.colaizzi{at}seattle.gov. or
at 206/386-4006.
· A celebration of the park planning process will be held on February 13 at the Rudd residence.

The meeting ended at approximately 8:45 PM.

End of Meeting Notes

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